Potty all the time!

January 19, 2010

Guess who made P in the potty! She went like 5 times today! We had an accident early this morning and then she didn't go at all before her nap. I've been putting diapers on before her nap so when she woke up I took it off and told her she had to use the potty before we could go on a walk to the mailbox. She sat on the potty and went! Then we walked all the way to the mailbox and back without a diaper (she had pants on of course!) and when we got back she went in the potty again. She came and got me 3 more times as I was making dinner to let me know she needed to go and we rushed off to the bathroom. I was so excited, we made up a potty song "Poo poo in the potty and Pee pee in the potty, Poo poo in the potty, Yeah Yeah Yeah!" and she got a sticker and lots of praise each time she went. She was getting so good at it that I made a mistake and left her alone for a minute to check my email and she came running in the room and guess what she left on the floor behind her...Yep, that's right the dreaded #2. Oh well my fault I should have kept my eye on her. Maybe she will go Poo poo in the potty tomorrow! :)

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