Brush Brush Brush

January 13, 2010

Penelope's dentist appointment went great. Her dentist was awesome and he called her extraordinary. He and the tech said they had never had a patient that young that was that good. She just sat there and let the dentist clean away at her teeth. I had been preparing her for the visit for the last couple of weeks by telling her about the dentist and showing her how to open her mouth really wide and say "aahh" and I guess it really helped. She also loves brushing her teeth so we had no problems at her appointment at all. I was worried she was going to be difficult but as usual I had nothing to her worry about. This little girl is absolutely the best! They gave her a little chart to check off when we brush and floss her teeth every morning and night so I taped it to the bathroom wall to remind us. I guess it's time I make appointments for Chris and I to see the dentist as well. We both haven't been in years, eeek!

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