It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
December 19, 2009We finally got our Christmas tree! I know we are a bunch of slackers but at least it's finally here. We had fun decorating the tree with Penelope last night. It was hard to get any good pictures. Anyone know a good camera setting for taking a picture of a lit Christmas tree without it coming out all blurry? It was so frustrating! Chris thought he could do a better job but his pictures came out actually worse! Anyway this is the best I could do... Here is a blurry Penelope rearranging the "balls". It was funny to watch her decorate, she would take an ornament and push it into the same spot in between the branches and then clap her hands and say "yaaaay" each time. We only had one ornament casualty. :)
Here she is clapping and saying "yaaaay".
Here is our little tree all done up.
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