Kore Wa Nihon Go De Nan To Imasu Ka?

March 24, 2011

I had my first Japanese lesson yesterday! Well, several years ago I took a semester in college but pretty much forgot everything but basic words, counting and Hiragana sounds. Since then I have tried teaching myself to no avail. I was searching online for Japanese instruction a couple of weeks ago and found a lady who gives lessons here in Homer. I called her up and we made plans for her to come by my place once a week and teach me. YAY! Our first lesson was so much fun and I realized that I was remembering a lot of what I had thought I had forgotten years ago. I have always dreamed of going to Japan and my goal is to be fluent in reading, writing and speaking. I absolutely adore all things Japanese and as you can tell I am so excited I had to share. :)

I would love for Penelope to learn another language as well. She currently can count to 10 in Spanish and knows a few words courtesy of Dora and Diego so I think I am going to teach her to become fluent. She is half Mexican so it only makes sense, plus I speak Spanish okay so it will be an easy language to teach her and it will help me brush up on mine.

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  1. It's terrific you're learning an exotic language! Having a teacher for one-on-one lessons is so much better than a classroom where you're struggling to compete with 20-30 others for the teacher's time!

    I barely remember any of what I learned from my two semesters learning Japanese in college. I can sorta converse with my Japanese in-laws, but I know my grammar must be horrible :)

    I do want my kids to learn it, though, so I'd better brush up, huh?


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