Pretty Flower

November 10, 2009

So I don't have a green thumb whatsoever. I am horrible with flowers and plants and have a hard time keeping them alive. It's a miracle my pepper garden did so well. I guess the fact that the plants were outside and Chris kept reminding me when they needed to be watered helped. One of the things on my list of things I would like to do is maintain a garden. Flowers, vegetables, fruits, herbs you name it. I thought I was on my way in Washington but then we had to move...We are renting right now so I am stuck with looking after the lovely cactus in our backyard. Actually I don't even have to do that, the landlord pays for a gardener to come by once a week. *sigh* Anyway...almost a month ago Chris came home with this pretty Orchid he found while grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. My first thought was "ooohhh, what a sweetie". My second thought was "hope it wasn't expensive because it's going to be dead in a couple of days". I know I shouldn't be so negative! Well going on almost a month later here is that same Orchid doing great. I am so proud of myself! I've been keeping it near the kitchen window and watering it very little every couple of days. If it makes it another week I think I am going to transfer it to a prettier pot and add some more soil." It will die for sure then".

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