
Put Those Magazines to Use!

February 10, 2014

I have mentioned this before but I am kind of a cookbook hoarder collector. I have a pantry that is almost being over run by cookbooks. Looking for a specific type of cuisine, need some recipes for your new kitchen appliance, want to entertain some friends with a fancy feast? You can bet I got the cookbook you need. And this is only half of my cookbook addiction collection! When we moved drown from Alaska I sold the other half to make room in our U-Haul. Aside from cookbooks I also  acquired a few food magazines along the way. The problem with magazines is their are usually only a few recipes in them that I would actually make, and they are not as pretty as books. That's when I got this idea...

I went out and purchased this adorable binder, some clear pocket dividers, and rounded up my magazines. I proceeded to tear out the recipes that I wanted to keep and make my own cookbook.

Brilliant right?! Now I have more room in my pantry for more cookbooks!

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