
Penelope's 6th Birthday Disney Princess Style

February 22, 2014

I grew up a short driving distance to Disneyland so I can say I am very familiar with the place. I also have a six year old daughter with a growing collection of Disney movies that the whole family enjoys watching. When I was picked to "Show My Disney Side" and host a Disney Side Home Celebration I was very excited. Not just because of our love for Disney but because the invitation came at the perfect time, Penelope's 6th birthday. I immediately knew I would incorporate my Disney side into her party and I knew beyond a doubt just how I was going to do it. What do all little girls love about Disney? Why the princesses of course! So here are some photos of our Disney Side Home Celebration and Penelope's Disney princess party!

First the birthday girl all dressed up for the big event. Cinderella happens to be her favorite princess.

Here are all the treats that were available to eat. The perfect feast for the sweetest princesses. I also made wonderful goodie bags filled with all the princess essentials like; crowns, wands, lip gloss, jewelery.

Here are the royal guests all showing their best princess smiles and tiara's!

We also played musical chairs to Disney song favorites like "When Will My Life Begin", "Almost There", A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes". We played find Cinderella's glass slipper, and of course Pin the Tiara on Aurora!

Finally the belle of the ball making a wish.

And that is our Disney Side...What's yours?

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