
Molecular Cosmo

January 21, 2014

This past weekend Chris and I decided to try out my Cosmopolitan R-Evolution by  Molecule-R..
We made a Cosmo with cranberry Foam and a Cosmo with citrus caviar.

Our first batch of "caviar" needed a bit more food coloring but still tasted yum. It was a lot of fun making these and they were very tasty, not to mention strong. A little too much work if I am just enjoying a Cosmo at home but these would be great if you are planning on having friends over for dinner and drinks. We have yet to try the encapsulated Cosmo, I think this one is going to be my fave, I will be sure and post on it. The immersion blender my mom in law bought me is going to be getting a lot of use. YAY!

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