
Happy New Year!

January 05, 2014

Welcome to 2014! Wow, really?! You may have noticed I have been a little more silent the last couple of months. The end of 2013 was no fun! I developed some health issues, had a couple of hospital stays, a surgery, and tons of bed rest. Here's hoping the new year brings some better days! How was your Christmas? Did you get anything cool? I did! My husband surprised me with a Karaoke machine I have been wanting. "Hai Karaoke ni"! He also got me these cool Molecular Gastronomy kits I am so excited to try.

My mom got me an ice cream maker, go mom! Penelope was so thoughtful and got me the cutest little Hello Kitty earrings to go with my new HK wallet my sis and brother in-law bought me. She also made me this beautiful angel.

 I Got some Japanese edibles from my bro and sister in law and an amazon gift card from my mom and dad in-law that I am going to use to buy me some music so I can get my Karaoke on. Wheee!

I also had my first win for 2014, more on this later... So far 2014 is looking good!

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