Little Birdies

July 05, 2021

 The sound of birds singing outside is a constant from inside our home. With the occasional thud because, oops that's a window. I often see hummingbirds that look like peeping toms buzzing around  as if to say "hey I see you in there". We see the occasional vulture devouring one of the many bunnies that live nearby and the occasional hawk or eagle soaring through the sky. If I was a bird watcher I would have a field day with my camera snapping away at all the little and big birdies. The quails are the cutest with their pointed feathers on the tops of their heads, they like to linger in flocks pecking in the dirt. The roadrunners are the silliest as they speed across the road and then there is the elusive giant owl. I have only seen him once from afar but the neighbors all say he is huge! We have several bird nests along the eaves of our home, we try to leave them be. We also find remnants of old bird homes out in the field. Nests made out of anything these birds can find, even horse hair from the neighbors horses! 

Here are some photos Chris took awhile back when he was playing around with my new camera. Just a few little birdies hanging around. 

I should dust off my camera and try to get a few shots of some of the other birds mentioned above that like to visit our home.  

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