
Nom Nom Nom

October 10, 2013

When I was a teenager living at home one of the things that my mom made us for dinner were these delicious pastrami sandwiches. Even after I moved away from home I would still request for her to make them whenever I visited. It's been awhile since I had one of my moms pastrami sandwiches. Maybe I should drive down to see her this weekend...

Take some thin sliced deli pastrami and put in a steamer to warm. For the bun my mom would always take some sub rolls, wrap them in a kitchen towel and place them on top of the steamer pot so that they would warm up and soften but not get wet. Then you pile on the meat and lots of pickles into your warm roll and top with some mustard. I also spread mayo on my roll but mom says that pastrami sandwiches are only supposed to have mustard on them. What can I say I'm a rebel.

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